Tymo – the “Great Glass Sky”

Steel Realms

Tymo (short for a long elven name that is hard to pronounce) wanted to retire in peace, House Malor of Dunstrand said in return for Tymo’s long service, they would mask/hide her presence.

She was born in the north, north of the blue wall, during the time of the Glittermarchto an Exilion mother, and a wild elven father. His early years were spent in Rhyl, where she brokered a lasting peace between the faerie kin and Pine Tribes of Rhyl (Peace of Tymo). Tymo traveled through the northern Merchant Cities, and then into Dunstrand. She was responsible for a dozen parleys between the two territories in disputes and eventually settled in Dunstrand. She fell in love with a human, and when he passed, she began to travel again. She died at the age of 1204 – truly old for a half elf, and mostly by her own giving up the will to live. Her blood and the soul gem created a great spirit, bound to Thesune’s Altar (of Delleth/Ezrilus). This altar is an outdoor one, maximized in its placement to be visible by moonlight during its cycle. The spirit of Tymo teaches under the stars and moon , fulfilling its pact with the order of House Malor beyond the death of her body.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic