Ouroboros – Celestine Epoch

Steel Realms

This knowledge is considered RARE or even HIDDEN. It is not referenced by available texts of the Modern Age of the Steel Realms.

The Reborn Kemet: When the Celestials came from Earth, fleeing the collapsing culture and the wars that raged among their kind, they took with them a spark and an idea and let it be reborn among the tribes of Helca. They “educated” the tribes, planting “new reeds” in the fertile ground of the tribes. Unto them was given a vision they called “Ouroboros” – a rebirth or their home and the best of their attempts to free themselves from the shackles of mortality and its limited thinking.

The Celestine Plan

The PAtrons of the Tribes

The Fracturing of the The Plan

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic