Tide Watchers Baggage Train

Character Ideas

‘Twitch’ and ‘Huff’ from the Blackwells is still alive…

Marion Jones; “Scurvy”

Assigned to: Earl Clark temporarily; background: Sailor; job: cook, tanner, fighter 2nd/human male chain mail; [toughened] his sole focus was to make sure the camp avoids scurvy and eats well. His father died of it, so he’s obsessed with good nutrition. 10% of his $ goes to nutrition; he always has +1 healing rate/+1 to Second Wind (5+1+2 = 8 hit points healed)
Hit Points: 10, 7 [+6] = 23 (w/Second Wind as Bonus Action for +8hp)
STR 15 [+2], INT 11, WIS 13 [+1], DEX 12 [+1], CON 16 [+3], CHA 10, Sanity 11
Skills (@ +2): Athletics (Strength), Perception (Wisdom), Survival (Wisdom), History (Intelligence), Stealth (Dexterity) Chef’s Kit (Intelligence) / Languages: Galdnorian (primitive literacy), Mercat
Armors: (Proficient w/All) chain shirt (13; 1 base +1 = 2 Resilience) [+1 dex] = ARMOR CLASS 14
Weapons: (Proficient w/All; 2 weapon fighting style) “tenderizer” club (+4 attack/+1 dmg; d6>6/9/15), 3 thrown daggers (+3 attack; d4>4/6/10) OR cleaver (+4 attack; d6>5/8/14)
Powers: [Feat] CHEF; ACTION SURGE (extra Action 1/Short Rest)
Items: Chef’s Kit (10 uses each; Intelligence; DC 7 morning tea (+1 Second Wind + Constitution check to negate 1 level of Exhaustion), evening butter/egg/rib w/rub (+1 healing from Short Rest)

Blacky: Wizard 3rd; human male. A quirky and enigmatic figure, Blacky (he wears all black) is a member of an obscure magus order seeking to understand the gods of darkness in order to fight them better. He says he was sent by his order in Karolak to the north, to warn the Tide Watchers that “darkness is stirring again” in the nearby area, and to watch for its signs and fight with them. Strange, but seemingly telling the truth – though the wizard of House Malor that interviewed him said not to trust him, and that something seemed ‘off’ – though also seemed a bit jealous at capabilities his order was capable of that none others he had heard of. Unbeknownst to the group, he is a Acolyte (Magi) of Gloom.

Hidesman: leather crafter, groomsman – barbarian 3rd, human, male. From the horse clans of the Doolun Emirates. Born to the saddle, he maintains a stable of 9-10 horses for quick mount/deployment and message running. His experience with the hides of horses and other animals has made him also the primary crafter for leather, thick hide and repair of the same for the Tidewatchers. A vision from Epona, “goddess” of horses, led him to the group.

Painted/b>: Assigned to: Troy Lancaster temporarily; herder, handyman, gardener – barbarian 3rd (berserker)/Nakrian human male. He loves to express himself using war paints, and even just artistic paints when not in combat (possible bonus to Charisma checks). He even likes to put War paint on animals and has a good affinity with them (Animal Handling skill). If he has an amount of time = Short Rest, he can decorate a number of individuals = proficiency Bonus to get +2 Intimidation.
= MURDERED by Darren (the Library ogre), believing he was avenging Bella after she told him how disrespectful he was – Bella was aghast and released him from service

Grinner: forager/hunter – fighter 3rd/female half elf; red lips, golden hair, golden nails, musky;
She puts on a show of a mean loner and evil as a defense mechanism. Really, she’s just normal. Enjoys reading, swimming, gaming = Training to be a battle master. She is literate (Gladnorian, Mercat, Feyloise) as was once a corporal in the MErchant City elite marine Wave Breakers (a reference to the Gwinnish Wave Watcher order); she is a polearm wielder, san substitute an attack for a use of Resilience

Bar’rup Cliff-Hanger: teamster/supplies/camp dwarven cleric of nature 3rd for Lion/Rastur (courage)
Was part of the Rastur/Darupet order of Fearless Spanners in South Gate Garrison. This order climbed and suspended under the massive bridge spanning the southgap chasm, looking for places where repairs need to be made (only Ducateon could repair the Desert Giant construction) and reporting to engineers. They were fearless. Sometimes a Troll would clamber up from the depths and damage the bridge. Other times Orrish would send sappers, and odd times elemental creatures would be sent to cause disruption. The Fearless Spanners were the ones to find the disturbances, find the damage, then report it and work with others like the Bridgemen of Southgate. Bar’rup had served his 5 years in the order, and was taken “off the leash” (as its called in their order) and allowed to go anywhere he liked, paid for by the order. He spent several days pouring through the records in the order’s library and found a small reference to a shrine that had been set up in a place called Braddon Bog. Nothing was recorded after that, so he wanted to bring courage and hope to this far away place and was sent there. At Braddon Bog he found a ruined shrine that he cleaned and re-consecrated. War was in the air with the Gwinnish – no friend to his order – he was eager to enlist to fight against them. He was hired as a mason assistant and warrior to escort supply runs.

Kryen: Freewarden – Halfling fisherman hopeless and clumsy became Freewarden of Loamwold 3rd. Sect thought it would help to have something similar to their foes in Umbak – venerates Brynmeer, Conviction 1 – Speaks sylvan, primordial; weapons: spear, shield, thrown axe