The Nakreha – The Rise of Human Civilization

Steel Realms

This knowledge is considered RARE or even HIDDEN. It is not referenced by available texts of the Modern Age of the Steel Realms.

There is little in the way of central record keeping in the time of The Nakreha (The Druunad still going by Dragon Year reckoning though – helping to roughly mark time in records not generally available), but piecing together chief, king, and ruler lists roughly dates the time of tribes to the 12000 years roughly previous to the Celestial Epoch/Kemet Reborn. The ’empire’ of Nakria is all that remains of this great “Land of the Tribes” before the coming of the “Outers”.

Nakreha Culture, History, and Ideas

The Amenyi – What the Nakrians called the (Amenti Epyp) serpent people, inhabiting the southern warmer lands of Helca. Once the Nakrians came out of the great grasslands, the Amenyi tried to enslave them.

The Vrunari – What the Nakrians called the (Druunad) goat people, inhabiting mostly the northern reaches in the lands of Helca, though they could stand any climate and environment.

– All that history record of these two races was that the aggressor was the serpent folk, and that the war drove both races to near extinction. The Vrunari left the South Greatlands to the tribes and went north, honoring their agreement. The serpent folk retreated into the dark places – their power broken forever.

Sky-Ducateons: There is ancient stone inscriptions that speak of the “Sky Ducateons” – Ducateons that came from and flew up into the skies above and beyond Helca. This is a reference to the Horakty Colony.

Wisdom of the Seven Sisters: Mention of The Seven Sisters is repeated in their oldest records, as sources of wisdom and knowledge for the tribes.

Shield of Ghe’a

Gaia and the elemental spirits given form by Helca to organize plants and life against the chaos of The Great Eye.

Weapon of D’rafuut

Darput and the male form of elemental spirits given form by Helca to aid the organized of the Nakrehan peoples against the chaos of The Great Eye.

The Return of the Amenyi

A Time of the Tribes (10000 years approx.)

The story of ancient Nakria – known as The Nakreha – is lost of the myths of the past. There are few places recording the formation of the early tribes, other than to note that they were organized into tribes from their regional origins to protect the tribes from an ancient evil, a tale of two species attempting to destroy each other. One was all around the people, the other to the warmer southern lands. In return for not venturing north of the great forest of Ynth (the faerie folk were just a legend, and the population barely measurable and still mostly watchers from the Time of the Green Paths) they allied themselves with the Vrunari against their common foe of the Amenyi. The rise of humans is unknown in terms of ages, but it is estimated to be a two hundred thousand years or more.

The Rise of an Empire (1000 years approx.)

The Ideal of New Kemet (Celestial Guidance)

Nakria is ruled as a Empire when forces from without put pressure on it. Like anywhere else, geographical locations have different societies and cultural specifics, but the tribes can be summed up as 2 distinct paths for Nakrian Characters: Those who have succumbed to giving up the path, and Those who practice the nearly forgotten old ways and are trying to achieve a “Higher Order”. These later that seek to preserve memories of Nakreha, their bonds to the Celestials, and pursue the spark of Merovin blood. The dominant language is Nakrehan.

The 7 Hathori – Warning

The mysterious entities return, harbingers of the Celestials. They set up a means of observing The Great Eye for the Celestials. Once again, after a hundred years, the circling points of 7 lights departs the skies of Helca.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic