Artwork Log

Incarna Art Issues
I will be making the PDF version of the rules, adding art and such. – Tara
Tara – Do you need another copy of all the images taken from the day we had a bunch of people over for pictures?

[The 1/1/2009 release date is for just the rule mechanics. This means no setting, no special rules, no species information, just rules. If the scope goes any bigger, then it gets out of control. Core rules will be released, then a core adventure setting with species, then players guide, then a product catalog… etc. ]

Issue: The site looks best with Mozilla based browsers… Opera also looks good. IE it does not look so good in. How big of an issue will this be?

Issue: Front page artwork review – is it still appropriate? Yes, i think so. Just a final review and confirmation is needed.

Issue: Need to get all the artists ok for use of art – have email with “ok” for all the attribute images – lost track of artist.

Issue: Not all the ‘abilities’ have images associated with them – is that ok. I think it is…

Issue: ‘Activity’ section – the intro images seem too clunky.

Issue: Aptitude – the style of psychic and magic are great – but not consistent with the others. We have gone over this before. The hand is fine for physical, but not the coloring. I cannot think of a better image for faith, but the textural is inconsistent with the others.

Issue: ‘Attributes’ – we have no SAN image

Issue: Traits do not have any artwork… should we just skip it for right now?

Incarna Business Card 1

Incarna Business Card 1