The Replacement Killer /DONE

Original Scope: Transformation of Crestwold pt. 2 >

ONLY Applicable to the i20 Variant
Precursor: In the last week, there has been a lessening of the sightings of goblins and there are less livestock taken by Orrish raiders. Seemingly nothing good can have a flip side of something bad, 2 children have been kidnapped in Torrelson’s Ford. There is no ransom note. People fear the worst, there is all sorts of rumors and superstitious speculation going around. The group has to go to town to pick up provisions to at least allow a meager re-supply of the villa that Feather ordered. Bella is going with, she needs to get some food for herself and there is safety in numbers. She seems a bit nervous these days.


Who: The Twin River shadow council, via a dark agent among their contacts at the Vedrenate Brotherhood.

Why: With the demise of the Tide Watchers, the interests behind the Tolman’s Guides cartel have decided that the PCs need to be exterminated if the dominance of the smugglers and Tolmans Guides is going to take root in the post war economy.

What: Have enjoined Assassins of Akraka from Deachalia – they are Dopplegangers. The plan is to strike, then change into an eagle and fly away. It is a junior assassin: only 17 kills, it has marked each of them with an “X” on the inside of its thigh.


The assassin has asked Corban Markle about the PCs. He has decided to use their connection to Bella to get close to them. When next the PCs go to Torrelsons Ford, while she is out, the party is called to her at sun down by an animal messenger.

You are traveling to pick up an order of mundane goods – belts, clips, crockery, buckles, rope, etc. from the docks that just came in when you are approached by a dog. It comes directly to you, though not threatening. You can see it has a branch in its mouth. It stops in front of you, and puts its snout up – as if motioning for you to take it.

> It’s a disguised scroll tube at close inspection.

[BOOM!] hahahahahahaha! No, not really.

The dog makes a chuffing sound and looks at the scroll tube – perhaps it wants you to read it.

Looking at it, it has a strange icon on it, one you recognize as Bella’s likeness.

Do not read

The dog barks. It will follow the party for a while before scampering into the crowd with a whine.


“I believe there is something watching the villa. I have left through magical means, meet me at the place the Gwinnish ruined – my old home.”

The Ambush

One looks like her, it has taken her place. She is actually in town, buying supplies and negotiating on the docks for fish and mussels (she buys a lot more than one person can eat). Ambush the party in her clearing – animals quiet = hint something wrong.

Hey! Over here… shhh! Did you check to see if anyone followed you? There’s something wrong, I sense it. I’ve been followed, i can’t say by who, i can’t get a read on them.
> The assassin will pick a single character and try to ambush them. All attacks will be on a single target. The one with the weakest AC.


Inside her is a dead kidnapped baby! 1 gold piece, ring of planar walking (to return home) that dissolves when exposed to light, 30sc and a scroll: Know you that reads this, that there is a mark upon your group. One must die, this is the contract. One life must be given, either yours or the hunter’s. If you are reading this, it seems it is likely the hunter. Next time, your fortune may not be so good.
[ i ] > DC 30 Intelligence (Arcana) to know the mark on the back of its neck.