Ancient Blood in Glowarin

GLOWARIN – Party will find a dirt poor family claiming to be old Riverdan royalty. They say that a hundred years ago, forces from Twin Rivers came and raided them, taking an old family crown incribed with the ancient motto of Al Mahndiel (“Ever-Vigilant, Ever-Watchful, Abide in Peace”) that proves who they are. There is mention of this crown in the histories. IF a woman of the blood wears it at sunrise and faces east (she must be naked), the crown will radiate golden light and the light touching living things will cause them to grow and be fertile. It was used in fertility ceremonies of the Green church – the rulers there were allied closely. The original family of _____, who nearly ended the family line in Glowarin died out – their fertility robbed of them. The line of Count Badgericu’s father ascended. The crown was taken apart by the current count – the golden ring lies buried in some abbey, while the center jewel went to his Seneschal.
-> The family has little to go on, other than legends that it responds to women of the line; they can say to go to Port Towne and find descriptions.
at port towne a description can be found, as well as its connection to fertility
-> Must kidnap a woman from West River Run (count Badgericus) family to find out where the crown of the old riverdan family is held?

Its the Herald’s cloak pin – The official sign of office for the House Herald of Count Badgericus.
– The party must steal it.