Astaval – The Final Piece

Ancient Prophecy

What’s Really in the Text: Bard Chaengus – a mysterious stranger from a land beyond the clouds, who was the Herald of Dunstrand at its founding, wove a tale that spoke of the "serpent" choking the life from the River Lords. The original lords of the riverdans were knights in service to the duke – in turn serving the high king. This core of knights was called the ‘Companions of the Dawn’ – in reference to the fact their original houses came from the fallen east; east = sunrise = dawn. After the time of the serpent, the Riverdans will know heart-break and low station for many generations. Dunstrand herself, once the jewel of the heartlands, her place will fade and importance wither. For many ages woulf it be thus, Then there would be a time where crows would fly above the lands, picking the dead and drawing blood. The lords of the river will suffer indignation and the eyes of the west shall all be drawn to them. There will be a time of trials, while Dunstrand bleeds… the crows will come and pick again at her body, blood and fire will follow but Dunstrand and the ‘dans would be reborn soon after. Dunstrand will be restored to its glory days of preeminence, her place will forever be secured with one final setting of a sun. ‘When the twins who have ruled the land for so long are cast down, the Duke will look to the west and see a red sun setting and a new sun will be born.