Last Sanctuary of The Rimbus

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T’greyn The Tender

T’greyn has lived for thousands of years, and is perhaps the last of The Edraim. He is sad beyond reckoning, having slowly watched his people die out or choose the life of the under-dweller and is lost forever. His Drow wife died over 200 years agao and he is the last of his kind here. He tends one of the last refuges of The Rimbus. He speaks only Sylvan and understands spoken and written forms; he will ONLY communicate in this way. T’greyn inspires the last defenders – those who have taken refuge. As such they are able to draw on reserves in defending the place from any perceived attacks using the following:

  • Dead on Your Feet: Like some of the undead, a creature can make a DC 1 + the last damage they took to stay up for a single more round of attacks. There is no limit to the negatives a creature may take, the effect is a single round of more attacks, after which it instantly dies and cannot be saved.

Refugee Defenders

Formorians: 2 young formorian giants, a half ogre, 3 goblins, 2 ‘broken’ Ducateon.

Monastery Grounds


Bottomless Rent

Heat can be felt – geothermal vent. If observed for 4 hours, it will blast a vent of steam once.



This is the core of the sacred Garden of Stone, pathway of The Rimbus.


Doors > Fey Twisting: The Stone Troll


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