Adjuration Practice of Casting

[“Spell“] Castings of the Adjuration variety bind effort and effect. The Divine Principal produces all the effort and begins the effect, and the caster channels the effect thereafter. These Castings cannot be interrupted, though the continued Concentration to focus them can. Adjuration manifesting can reach Unencumbered Casting. If the caster’s Conviction >= spell level casting being attempted, it is always considered Unencumbered; otherwise Non-Encumbered is the worst situation possible if the caster has at least 1 Conviction. Adjuration manifesting derives from the Mystic Tradition(s) of Inspiration. Because understanding during manifestation is external, the final manifestation presentation can only reflect a generic expected manifestation or one tied directly to the aspect(s) of the Divine Principal.

Divine Presence: Holy/Sacred Symbol (divine mystic focus), Holy/Sacred Ground, or the nearby presence of an Avatar.

Identifying items through power granted by Adjuration is enacted through the Rituals of Knowing as a Low Art.