Tellip Wellworth

Class: Rogue 2nd (Arcane Trickster @ 3rd; Patron is “Mistessa”)
Hit Dice: 6, 6
Essence: 18+2 = 20 /2 = 10
Strength: 12 {+1}
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 13 {+1}
Dexterity: 17 {+3}
Constitution: 18 [20] {+4}
Charisma: 14 {+2}
Sanity: 9 {-1}

Proficiency @+2

Skills: Insight (Wisdom), Persuasion (Charisma), Acrobatics (Dexterity), Athletics (Strength), Perception (Wisdom; expert = x2 proficiency bonus), Stealth (Dexterity; expert = x2 proficiency bonus)
Armor: Light Armor
Tools: Thieves Tools
Weapons: Simple Weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Languages: Gladnorian (fully spoken and partial literate), Mercat (fully spoken and partial literate), Dundarian (fully spoken and partial literate), Thieves’ Cant


Senses: Darkvision 30 Ft.
Sneak Attack: +D6/3 for any attack with advantage using finesse or ranged. You don’t need advantage on the Attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t Incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the Attack roll.

Cunning Action: Your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a Bonus Action on each of your turns in Combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Resistances: Slash, Bludgeon, Pierce
Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned


Armor: Leather
> [ARMOR CLASS = 11 + DEX = 14] Weapons: long sword (D8; 4/8/16), short bow (D6; 3/6/12) w/quiver and 10 arrows
Pouch: a pinch of ‘vision’ powder (Gargit) for each night for 3 months (daily recipe from Mistessa unknown). A charm with 3 crystals.
duffel bag: 3 changes clothes; tarp, bedroll, Gallants tabbard x2, boots, heavy cloak, light cape, hat
Pack: mess kit, 1 day rations, fire-making, candles (10), lamp, shaving kit, 2 flask oil, 30′ hemp rope, clean underwear and socks x3, 1 set work clothes, burlap sack.


Background: Courtier
Human, male, age 28-ish, 5’10, 150#, right handed, black hair (short), light brown eyes, pale skin (sun tanned dark), weird sharp teeth
Addiction: If ‘vision’ powder (Gargit) is missed, -2 CHA; second day+ = -1 SAN & CHA/+1 CON (Max 20)


Tellip does not remember much of his history. He has a scar on his head from a very clear head wound. He remembers little of his childhood – just glimpses and hazy images. He remembers joining up with the Black Hounds. He remembers a little of the fight in which he was wounded – but he remembers little of his “friends” he met in the Black Hounds and the history of it he was taught. In fact, he really only remembers waking up in the field hospital and after. He has had those who can read, read from the chronicles of the Black Hounds that he was hired as a troubleshooter – someone who knew small places, traps, and could protect a camp site and navigate through narrow streets and tunnel traps, locks, and roof tops.

When offered a chance to join The Gallants, he jumped – it was a new and more secure future than what he faced with no memories. He does hear the voice of Mistessa whispering to him (something he remembers for a long time now), urging him in that direction. He knows that the voice of her caused the distraction which lead to his head wound being a wound and not a death blow – so he owes his life to this strange patron. She promises him knowledge in exchange for sharing his life experiences.