Bawss-Generic Thug (Character)

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Player: Ki Nunley 10/18/2014

Kinetic: 5 Chi: 45
Magic: Manna:
Faith: Synergy:

Res: 126 Enc: 126 Age: 17

RCT: 2
VIG: 6 -1 cs on checks
STR: 6
CHR: 4
RSN: 4
SAN: 4
INT: 3
PER: 3
APP: avg
SIZE: 21 -1 stlth, defense, -2 athletics

Massive frame, Burly build, Large bulk, good luck, Iron will 1, Chi pool, “The boss” : no combat penalties from attributes, shrug off

Melee 2+1, Grapple 2+1, Streetwise 1, Persuade 1(+1 intimidate), Business Lore 1, Evade 1 (-1), Aura sight 1, Empathy 1

