White Pilgrim/”Pilgrim” (SB character)

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System: Stormbringer / Created : 10/26/2021 (for 2 days adventure 1-off in 11/2021)
PDF: The-Sorcerer-of-the-Ivory-Scroll (character file)


He talks a bit slow, drawing out his words – thinking as he goes. He never curses. He tries to be bathed, proper and presentable always. When combat starts, there’s a cruel smile on his face. When he lies, the same smile appears – he knows this and uses it to emphasize he’s not telling the truth and doesn’t care if you know. His red hair is short, and he has long sideburns. He has brown eyes, slightly sun tanned skin. He carries a silver vial of sea water on a necklace he likes to smell to remind him of the ocean – a symbol of freedom and being untethered. Break that vial and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Half Sanity check or goes berserk.


Campaign Summary: Bannerman of Grey Lawns

The group call themselves the Bannerman of Grey Lawns. This is for the duchy close to the boarder of Jharkor where you all frequent make a living. Most of you hail from the nation of Shazaar with the exception of Ryan’s character who was raised by his uncle the merchant from Jharkor. All of the characters share something in common. They are educated and freeman who are not tied to the land as serfs. You have been together for a number of seasons making a reasonable amount of money harvesting rare herbs in the County of Mossmire. (This is enough money for all of you to live comfortably and have horses and a cart. Very good money indeed.) Thus, both Josh and John’s character are to scare away thugs and robbers who think you easy targets.

TRUTH: What your group does is kill other would-be sorcerers and take their stuff. This is a very dangerous profession. Many sorcerers and other professionals are drawn to Shazaar and its ancients’ ruins from the past days of the Bright Empire of Melnibone. Instead of risking dangers and certain death plundering these warded and protected tombs. You guys take out the competition from other lands.

But war is coming and you can feel it. So, you will need more than just your name. You are going to need a patron. Each of you have reasons for not wanting to be drafted into the upcoming war. Shazaar is a large nation but with a small and growing population. Because of this problem every person can be called into a mandatory militia unless vital to a patron or lord.

Introducing the Team
Thrynn – rogue and second story man. (Ryans character)
Fernok – known as Friar Fernok by the locals in Small Cliff (John Hollowells character)
Pilgrim – a scholar / man of action from the Citadel of waves in Mossmire. (Kelly’s character)
Captain – a Sailing Master / Duelist from Small Cliff. (Laura Hollowells character)
Ferryman – a problem eliminator. Protector of the band (Josh’s character)
The Soldier – a merc with close ties to the court of Small Cliff. Protector of the band (John P character)


From Kelly: The name i will be referred to is “Pilgrim” – my pilgrimage to land! Much more comfortable on the sea, but there is too many merchants and fences that know about me along the coast, and im getting word that the sorcerers that we have not killed are now looking out for us and paying a price to anyone who informs on us. Thus the protection of a patron serves to purposes – shield us from the backlash of our previous life, and spare us from the worst drudgery of the war/expose us to greater danger and greater loot.

The character worships Pozz-Man-Llyrr A lawful god of exploration in all of its forms including knowledge. Also diametrically opposed to Pyaray.

You belong to a organization known as the Order of the Ivory Scrolls. They work to preserve knowledge and to keep dangerous knowledge / artifacts and relics from falling into the hands of Pan Tagians. The character was stationed at the Citadel of Waves in Mossmire. However, you have joined with a group that calls themselves the Bannerman of Grey Lawns.

Your character is an expert when it comes to languages and linguistics.

I had you also coming from Tarkesh where Pozz-Man-Llyrr orginally hails but that can be changed.

Because you were a scholar I had the character start a little older around 30. This gave you a good knowledge bonus and Read and Write

From the mystical angle you are a trained 1st rank white sorcerer and with time will become a fully fledged 2nd rank white sorcerer.

A white sorcerer summons Virtues and Elementals. They are not prohibited from learning to summon demons but it is frowned upon.

You have also broken some rules and learned the closely held secrets of Mechanical Lore. As an explorer you need and edge other than relying on magic.

Lastly you are a man of action. You get your hands dirty and like exploring and applying your knowledge and practical ways. The action part of your character is that you are use to sea travel and can double as a trained sailor.

Here are the starting Traits

  1. Trained Scholar – You have 6 extra skills when you start each at 25%
  2. Stable Minded – Roll Twice for a sanity check and take the better result or lose the effects of strained sanity and gain no traits this rank.
  3. Linguistics – You receive an extra +15% to all languages. You automatically start with the Read and Write if you are in a literate class.

From Mario: I will attach what I have.
Let me know if you want anything changed. Feel free to give some feedback.
Note: When using the advanced attribute system. We don’t apply nationality attribute bonuses. The array trumps that 19,18,17,16,15,14

For Combat

You have a Spear/ Harpoon. That you can also throw.
The harpoon is tied with a silk cord that you can reel in with the rope use skill as a free action.
A Self-Bow for long range support
A Kite Shield for parrying thrown and ranged attacks.

For Magic

The cliche for a sailor would be a water elemental. This bothered me so I went for destruction with fire. The balance is virtue of protection and then fire Elemental. The character has (2) Virtues of protection bound into each arm. This way you can use your brawling skill to parry weapon attacks. You will take the weapons damage as you parry, but with 9 points of stoppage on the arms and the ability to soak this makes damage less likely.

Campaign Parameters

Answering some questions:
Question: Can you pay someone to be excluded from the draft?
Answer: Only nobility can pay to be excluded. Everyone else has to serve. Even the clergy fights, since they are more like crusaders then cloistered clerics.

Question: Why can’t we leave and go somewhere else.
Answer: This is a possibility… You can hire a boat to take you to the eastern or southern lands. This is expensive but can be done.

Question: This is not like D & D where I can just go into a dungeon and fight.
Answer: Stormbringer is a grim dark world based loosely around the 11th century in world like western European. My goal is to bring this grittiness and fun to you.
Instead of the fall of Rome it’s the fall of the Bright Empire. Please note this is not the best comparison but it is the closest.

Question: Why do we have to seek a patron? Can’t we do anything we want?
Answer: Yes and No… Lives are cheap. The people that hold the power are nobles and those with wealth. These folk can buy steel and professionals who can use them. Fighting unlike in other games is deadly. A person can die from a stray shot with a rusty hoe, bleeding out on field and dying. This means in order to help shape your destiny you want to avoid being the moron dying in some field. Being useful to a patron is one way to control your destiny. Note: we are playing a one-off campaign where we need to get you into the action. This serves as a vehicle to do that in a reasonable way.

Question: How do I get magic, gold and power if I am tied to a patron?
Answer: Great question… by making your patron more powerful you serve his or her interests and show your value. As he or she gains in power and influence so do you. It doesn’t stop you from taking side quests and mission for yourselves.

Last Question: I don’t want to feel railroaded.
Answer: Like you I hate that feeling. You decide which plots or sub plots to take. The goal is to bring a living breathing world and add your choice or voice and create something fun.


Example: You get paid to complete a job. 100 LB in advance and 400 LB after the job is done. The target is a bandit leader preying on the local miners and stealing the iron ingots from the mine.

Get back the ingots they are part of the taxes we pay to King for this upcoming war.
The Bandit Leader can be captured but if he draws steal then you are free to defend yourself. (You can whack him). It is understood that the loot from Bandit Leader and his men would be yours.

Question: Is there a reward for the Bandits and or leader?
Answer: Yes, but its 50 LB for the leader and none for his men. He needs to be brought back alive for this reward. (Reading between the lines a trial and imprisonment would cost more then the 50LB. So ganking him is faster and cheaper for everyone.)

If the Bandit Leader turns about to be hidden sorcerer with an elemental and some demonic items. That will be your guys loot. As long as you do not divulge this to anyone. Kind of an don’t ask don’t tell.