Tanner Holmraf’s Letter and Notes

After the Temple of Apshai spying failed – she was cornered for weeks with the witch not rescuing her, Kynar and One-Claw doing so. After Aini was saved by Kynar and One-Claw, she realized the Witch of Dwindor was only using her. A note was left for her in Dogwood Flats when she returned – unknown how it got there. It smelled like Mary’s perfume.

“I was raised by two mothers. I see now only one loved me, i was the daughter she never had and she never did anything except support me. ”


The point at which you are reading this you will have enough experience to realize who your real family is and what’s truly important. Your family had a dream. Your mother gave her life for that dream. It is time for you to be part of that dream. You will never be fully trusted by anyone except The Gallants – once you take the oath with the full realization of what it means. It is time to take that again, now that your privilege has failed you and you understand what it means to want to truly belong. I am told you have your mother’s sight and will – bend that to the task before you. See the dream, make it real. Be the dream, as I did in my time.

– Tanner Holmraf, herald to the Duke of Dunstrand.


In the same envelope a magically sealed scroll. Inside are instructions for where the Throne of Malek is, and how to have a chance of finding it in Braddon Bog. On it is the ancient cursed wedding ring of Glorianna Tarly. The curse has been altered. It is tuned to her blood/bloodline.
– “Your mother bade me to give you this when the time was right, I feel that one condition precipitates you receiving both.”


He has a copy of his notes from the time he shepherded what became the Gallants