Laslo Littlesong

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Bard 4th, human, male


@Campaign Start 11/9142 common year
Created: September 2022 by Eric Swanson for one-shot include in Ancient Blood (Steel Realms) campaign
Background: Sage

Laslo was originally from Oerdney, the capital city of the High King of Gladnor. As a young child, we was taught to read by his grandmother who was the wife of a scribe of the World Watcher order. His parents died from sickness when he was 12, and his grandmother used her connections to get him a job as a scribes apprentice. His aptitude for learning and reading lead him to become a bard, Though he would not pledge to any specific order, he served the greater ideal of the World Watchers and so his training was shared by multiple individuals. He set off through the heartlands when he was 19, gathering and passing on information. Gathering experience and power. He followed a trail of a corrupt merchant into the Riverdans of Dunstrand. This merchant bought some creature in the duchy of Fandelok, went north through the pass into county Faer of Dunstrand and into the Riverdans. Whatever creature he bought, it was unleashed on its owners and killed them. Laslo came upon the scene after being told about it by a merchant caravan guard who knew a friend that came upon the scene after being paroled for 3 days on arriving in Fandelok from the borders of the Fhayl Forest. He talked with the guards, and persuaded some he suspected of being witness to tell him what happened. It was a scene from some evil novel, whatever was brought from the forest killed the merchant and scattered his servants – killing two of them in the process. The man he met, another merchant who said he was from Dunstrand, upon receipt of the creature let it loose upon everyone else. Whatever the destination, there could be only one reason – to unleash the unknown creature on its true target. Laslo has narrowed the man he is pursuing to only a few hours lead over several days. In the Riverdan of Bondeu, he stares at the walls of a castle sitting watch over the city of Zerburre. That seems to be his destination. He will wait for morning as the sun is setting.