Krespar Dubrov (character)

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CREATED: 9-2022 (Berger’s group)
Race: Human Variant, (Saelish).
Details: Krespar Dubrov is 33 years old, 5’11”, Southpaw, 150#, long-limbed and lanky. Dark long brown hair (worn in a temple shave style usually braided over the right ear) long beard (also usually braided to right side of jawline) deep tan, honey-amber eyes. Wolf-eyed, shorter, scrawny, lefty, Viking-haired Jason Momoa, more or less.

Class: Ranger (non-caster variant) Subclass: Beastmaster (Great Protector variant)
Level: 3rd.

Background: Outlander.

HP: 21. Hit Die: 3D10. + Second Wind 1/Short Rest for 8hp
Essence: 26.
Attributes: STR 7. DEX 16. CON 12. INT 15. WIS 17. CHA 8. SAN 11[?].

Proficiency Bonus+2. Initiative+3. Speed 30.
Proficiency in: Light/Medium armor, shields. Martial/Simple weapons. Archery fighting style.

Personality traits: Prefers animals.
Ideals: Strongest should lead.
Bonds: Must breed.
Flaws: Slow to trust non-Saelish.

Saving throws: STR+0. DEX+5. CON+1. INT+2. WIS+3. CHA-1.

Skills: acrobatics+5, animal handling+7(expertise), athletics-2, nature+4, perception+7(expertise), stealth+5, survival+5.

Passive wisdom: 20. Passive investigation: 18.

Languages: Gladnorian(Expert), Mercat(Fluent) Celestial(basic), Yvaldeysian(basic?), Orrish(basic?), Dundarum(basic?).

Lores: Saelish+2, Celestine of Helca+2, Animal Husbandry+2.

Equipment: longbow, arrows(20) shortsword(2), lute, leather armor, explorer’s pack.
Cantrip: Druidcraft.
Sestra: Wolfdog Companion.
AC 13, 10HP, Speed 40.
STR13 DEX14 CON12 INT3 WIS12 CHA7. Perception +3, passive perception 13 keen sense hearing & smell (advantage)
Bite: +4, 3/6/12 +1(+1) DC 11 STR save or prone

Tithe: Community: 10%, Family: 40%. (Won’t tithe personal/companion provisions, arrow allowance, personal medicines. Simple needs, self-sufficient. Other things: Family man, community pillar, why does he need it?)

Combat: Distance preferably, Archer. Sestra: Companion Wolfdog stays with him, in front (intimidation) to dissuade melee with Krespar.
Leather Armor: AC: 14.
Longbow: +7, 4/8/16(+3)
Shortsword: +5, 3/6/12(+3)

Feats: Wanderer. Favored enemy: Gwinnish infantry, Umbakian infantry. Natural Explorer: Mountain. Primeval Awareness: 5(Prof. Bonus[2]+WIS mod[3]) times per long rest. Second Wind: 5+Ranger level(3)=8. Observant. Skill Expert.

Krespar Dubrov is a humble man of few words. Tends to be monosyllabic, says what he means and means what he says. The one exception to this stoicism is when he is with his family, especially ‘his’ children. He lives on the outskirts of the Saelish community, in a large ramshackle looking house that seems to have more additions every time you look at it. That is because he lives with his wife Irina, his sister-in-law Tamyo, and his sister Paulina. And their 20 children. Only the dozen children of his wife’s are biblically his, but his sister-in-law’s and his sister’s kids are ‘his’ to help raise and be a father figure for. Triplets and twins run in his family, and he himself is a twin. After the exile of his twin brother and the death of his brother-in-law, he took in his sister and sister-in-law, and all of their children. For your average man, this would be too much. Krespar however, is Saelish, and an accomplished provider.

A great hunter, he would say he is lucky. Lucky in love, lucky in life and lucky in family. Very lucky. He leaves in disgust from any conversation that even hints that the children of his sister and sister-in-law could be his biblically. He publically and obviously loves his wife, and is perfectly content with the three women in his household running the show.

Oddly counter to his normally gruff demeanor, he is an avid storyteller if children are in the crowd. Krespar is also linguistically gifted. He speaks six languages, and is usually present or looked for anytime a visitor comes to the village. It is known in the village that he can read lips, and he is very polite and respectful with this skill, being considered trustworthy and solid.

A passionate hunter, it’s not often he comes back empty-handed. While no small part of that is his skill, it is also because of Sestra. Sestra is his wolfdog companion, ever at his side. His family is well known for their breeding of wolfdogs. Almost every adult or older teen member of his family has a wolfdog. And every child is bonded with a puppy from the breeding program that his family is known for. The origin of this is actually from his wife Irina. Knowing that canines do not have the lifespan of humans, Krespar’s wife Irina’s great great great grandmother, also named Irina -a follower of Wheyipuh of the green church, like all of her descendants, all female- asked and was granted the knowledge of a ritual to bind the spirit of a wolfdog to a person.

When a child is born, they are given a talisman/fetish of Wheyipuh, and every living, non-exiled member of Krespar’s extended family still has this talisman/fetish. To be exiled from the family is to have this talisman/fetish rent [rend as in to tear, correct tense???] from your very soul, shattering the bond with the Wolfdog spirit. Most of these babies are bonded with a puppy at age 3, the infants that die before this age being the usual exception. This child and puppy are considered siblings in the eyes of Krespar’s ‘tribal’ family. Inevitably the Wolfdog dies -usually but not always of old age. Upon reaching the age of 20 -or earlier if the child is mature enough- the oldest member of Irina’s female bloodline has the 20-year old or mature child perform the ritual to call back that wolfdog spirit. If the bond was honored in life, the wolfdog returns, and is a part of the individual’s spirit and life force thenceforth.

Krespar’s Sestra was killed in the same incident that resulted in the exile of Krespar’s twin, the cowardly sacrifice of the twin’s wolfdog, Krespar’s brother-in-law’s death, and his brother-in-law’s wolfdog dying protecting the brother-in-law. Sestra’s spirit has since returned to Krespar. Being apart from her causes Krespar no small amount of stress and unease, and if she is not welcome, he considers himself also unwelcome.

Two of Krespar’s older triplet set -his first born son Krespar the 3rd and Irina the 7th- both recently completed their ritual rite of passage at 16, one year older than Krespar himself did. Krespar and Irina -the man and wife- were promised to each other at 12, married at 16. It didn’t take long for Irina to get pregnant, and they haven’t really stopped. She is currently pregnant with child number 13, and all signs say possibly child 14 and maybe even 15.

Krespar is also a skilled hunter of humanoids, and is a commanding member of the local Town guard/Village watch/police force. He has learned the language of almost every humanoid in the area that has ever been an enemy or aggressive towards his home. Given the chance, he will continue to learn more languages. For if he knows the language, he doesn’t have to hear it to know what you’re saying. What better way to protect himself and those he loves, then to know how people talk around him?

Recently, Krespar’s youngest daughter, a precocious outspoken thing of four, told him she had heard every one of his stories. He laughed at this, then asked her every story she had heard. To his chagrin, she -had- heard every story he had. Krespar told her he would find more stories, just for her. He patted her on the head, and his wife Irina asked him if he was leaving. He told her he was going on a journey, that he would be safe, and that he would return. She sighed, and handed him several empty journals. Don’t come back until you fill them all, he was told. He nodded, kissed his wife, then started packing. His oldest four children – the namesake triplets and his only single child -a twin, but the other twin was sickly and died as an infant- wanted to come with him. His response was to keep the family safe, and maybe find husbands, wives, and bless him with grandchildren when he came back? They all groaned, and he laughed. A grand feast was prepared and had to send him off with, and he left the following morning, after hugging and/or kissing every family member.

He met with the party, and has since found out there is a wolfdog breeding program where he will be going. With his ever present companion, the wolfdog spirit Sestra at his side, he can’t help but wonder as he clutches his talisman/fetish; what stories will he be able to share with his family, and -by Anubis- will the wolfdogs being bred be even comparable to his program? It is his preference to not lead a group, but he can and will if no one else is willing or able.


Next group of adventurers from 9-2022/Crestwold continuation as Pin Feathers (campaign tale of Dunstrand Rising):
(Ben) Asil Omari – paladin
(Rocky) Danoir – rogue
(Alanna) Ulrich – fighter
(Earl) – Atreus – cleric
(Corey) Krespar Dubrov – ranger
(Arabus) Jesse Baldwin – Rogue/wizard
(Arabus) Asaui (ah-sigh) – warlock (DEAD)

CY 9168, participated in the baptism of Ssisslenn.

Strike of Ssisslenn:

The longbow wood was harvested from Pranin Moorswood by the druids for Krespar in CY 9168. It was soaked in the waters of Cold Eye lake for a week, where it was smoothed, stretched and bent into shape by pulling snake skin around it. It requires Attunement (1 pledged Essence) and only those who have swam in the waters of Cold Eye [of Ssisslenn] can attune it. It is considered a magic weapon and 1/Short Rest can strike with the effect of Black Sleen (a href=””>vampiric touch); The arrow drawn becomes black and sticky. Black Sleen is a poison that only works upon attuned items. It is made from the roots of ancient trees where corpses have been interred, and the soil cultivated by the druids. Pranin Sleene is cast through 1 level higher spell slot (4d6/14/28 anger of Pranin). It can heal a bound animal (1 Essence) companion of a Ranger or Druid.

Krespar’s Return

Splitting of the Elm – Krespar choses not to swear the oath. She says there will be a ceremony to publicly display to let others know hes still protected. Feather has a couple messages to take – one to the dwarves, one to the Saelish Council, another to a party in eastern Saleish. Krespar is sent home with Danoir’s original staff, wearboar tusk from Atreus, a goblet from Ulrich, a gold coin from Feather, Jesse gives him a contact name (his real name/family – party does not know), holy symbol from Asil, 200sc from party fund… as centerpieces for stories.

Before he leaves, Jesse tells him if ever he hears of his death, to seek out his hidden personal journals and send them to a man named Tanner – the full name and address will be with the journals – same spot in orchard of Villa that Ausai hid his funds. He also says if ever he is in dire need, to seek out this “Tanner”.

Krepar wonders why was so easily let go. The Gallants have a tradition of being hard-core, but Feather seemed amiable. Maybe it seems that the protection of the Chain Masters of the North is enough to either cause her to think twice, or to guarantee his protection and safeguard any secrets she may have wanted to kill him for. She’s strange.

Deliveries for Feather

Also, right before you leave, Feather gives you guys the cart, pavilion tent, draft horses, food and all the travel equipment you could need. She also takes Krespar aside for a private conversation. “You are always welcome, should you choose to come back. I was raised in the woodlands of Loamwold by halflings and half elves more than I was by my mother. I never knew my father. Go home, be a father. However, I will always be Gallant before anything else. I need you to perform an act, that is for both posterity sake and the Gallants. Atreus has with him a trunk full of notes and journals – the Tomes of Bittermaw. Those need to go to the Feather is taking them to the Companions Library, not be taken and hid by the Saelish Elders. Can you secure these on your trip? Leave them in Southway Switch, under the way marker for the old Saelish Road there is already a waterproof box. Just take the contents of his box, replace them with rocks of the same weight, and move the books and journals to hers the night you pass through the area. It will probably be the last Inn you sleep at before entering The Saelish.

‘Being a father is an honor and a privelege. He who should have been your father denied himself great joy.’ Krespar shakes his head. ‘I may return after my children are grown and no longer need me,’ Krespar chuckles. ‘If my wife allows. What is the Companions Library?’

It is a place of knowledge. Before the “The Gallants” existed, there were a group that preceeded them – known as The Brave Companions. My Grandfather was one of them. In Braddon Bog of the Lowlands of Bar-Innis sits an ancient church. No one knows its true origins, its a mystery (she winks) and a dark one. Once a church of the wyld faith, then of Ikribu, and even temporarily a shrine to the elemental fire goddess Merkaine. The Brave Companions bought it from the lightbringers, who wanted to build on new land not so… temperamental. It is a place where the records of the Wheglin family are kept now, the tales of the quests of the Brave Companions (and the books, maps, and records they found along the way) and since then Guide Gallants, and then finally The Gallantine order. It has a strange knack of preventing the intrusion of enemies and destruction of itself. Very weird… (she smiles)… My mother used its catacombs to safeguard materials she believed needed to be preserved, but should not be readily accessed.

Krespar nods. ‘Seems like a place that defends itself and the treasure within readily and easily. I will do this. The Saelish will be safer if Bittermaw’s knowledge is not among them.’

Feather silently nods. Thank you for your service. I hope to see you again, in better circumstances.

Visit to the Saelish Elders:

Trip to the Dwarven Enclave:

Trip to eastern Saelish: