Sinjin Smithe – Bard (Character)

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Name: Sinjin Smithe Player: Mario Kundzins Height: 6’2”
Class: Bard Alignment: Neutral Weight: 190
Gender: Male Eyes: Grey Race: Half-elf
Character Level: 1 Hair: Black Background: Charlatan

Abilities Skills(63) Total Pro Bonus
Str: 13 +1 Deception (B) +5 +2 +3
Dex: 14 +2 Insight (Class) +4 +2 +2
Con: 12 +1 Perception (Race) +4 +2 +2
Int: 12 +2 Performance (Class) +5 +2 +3
Wis: 14 +2 Persuasion (Class) +5 +2 +3
Chr: 16 +3 Sleight of Hand (B) +4 +2 +2
Stealth (Race) +4 +2 +2
Hit Points =09
Temporary Hit Points =00
Armor Class = 14 (Studded Leather)
Initiative = +2
Proficiency Bonus = +2
Speed = 30

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws vs being charmed. You cannot be put to sleep.
Vision: Dark Vision 60’
Size: Medium
Skill Versatility: Gain two proficiency in skills of your choice
Languages: Common, Elven and Goblin

Saves Death Saves
Strength = +1 Success O O O
Dexterity = +4 Failures O O O
Constitution = +1
Intelligence = +1 Personality Traits
Wisdom = +2 -I’m usually hide behind being grumpy to hide
Charisma = +5 that I care

Attacks -Sarcasm and Insults are my weapons of choice
Melee = +3
Ranged = +4 Ideals
– Material things come and go
Weapon Proficiencies
Simple weapons Favorite Schemes
Long Sword, Short Sword, and Rapier – I cheat at games of chance
Hand Crossbow
Armor Proficiencies -I owe everything to my mentor a horrible guy
Light Armor
-When the going gets tough I run away
Class Features
Spell Casting: Cantrips 2 and 4 Known Spells. (Spell Slots 2) per long rest
Cure Wounds

Bardic Inspiration: (d6) with 3 uses per long rest

Light Cross Bow 25 gp
(20) Quarrels 1gp
Studded Leather 45 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Disguise Kit
Forgery Kit
Forged Paperwork of Patents – Dimitre Drakenfel
Backpack 2 gp
Bed roll 1 gp
Case for cross bow bolts 1gp
Cloths fine 15 gp
Cloths Travel 2 gp
Holy Symbol 5 gp
Robes 1 gp
Signet Ring 5 gp
Tent 2 person 2 gp
Tinder box 5 sp
Water skin (2) 2 sp
Whetstone 1 cp
Mess Kit 2 sp
Component pouch 25gp
Horse with Saddle Riding and Saddle bags 64gp

9 Silver
9 Copper