Iron Will

Type: Physical

Iron Will indicates the character has a reserve of will (developed as a High Cost learned ability) they can tap to increase abilities in some life and death situations.

D20 Iron Will Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: 1 Essence, Sanity 8
  • A Bonus to any Save that would mean the immediate direct death or Incapacitation or similar condition – including ALL Death Saves.
  • If fatigue damage would make the character unconscious, each point of Iron Will grants them a round of additional consciousness and activity.
  • A modifier to any check that would allow them to fulfill allegiance to the Cause or Higher Purpose through self sacrifice.
  • Spending 5 Chi as an Action can negate the affect of Charmed, Stunned, Frightened, or Incapacitated for a number of rounds = the character’s Iron Will score.

iCore Iron Will Feature Mechanics


The character has a reserve (developed as a High Cost learned ability) of will they can tap to increase abilities in some life and death situations. If fatigue damage would have caused unconsciousness, a single check staves that off for an encounter or Iron Will level x hours if not in an encounter (or until another wound). Abilities or resistance ratings can be increased for a single check to a maximum of the Iron Will level, at a cost of 5 point of Chi per level increased. Spending chi and making an Iron Will check can negate the effects of exhaustion from encumbrance (not illness) for an encounter; 10 points per measure. Spending 20 chi and making an Iron Will check can negate the effects of Incapacitation for an encounter.

Having trouble thinking how this might play out after reading this? Check out the Players Roleplaying Guidance or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in the setting.