The Rite of the Resonant Flash (Rite of Maðr)

A Resonant Flash Rite is something that the priests of the Ducateon do in order to find places of interest that would please Him, and his chosen people to interact with – something that will make a difference to the greater Ducateon Collective. This is often done in desperation to find a new Prime Settlement. It is without the rigor of formal exploration, relying instead on the “vision” of Him (Maðr). Like a sonar blast, The Rite of the Resonant Flash is performed, powered by Ceremony and a extraordinary level of participation by all castes in the Prime Settlement. This is rarely performed due to its great cost in and exhaustion thousands suffer for weeks afterward. Once the rite is finished, the priests wait in prayer, listening for a Resonant Call which reflects the power of the rite like a beacon, like sonar, and calls to the Ducateon to send for an expeditionary force. It is also rarely performed because of its seeming;y arbitrary nature – there is no predictable outcome, but like any fisherman who casts a wide net, the odds of catching something go up. It is essentially made acceptable due to the ceremonial nature that involves potentially thousands of the collective, and therefore is brought into acceptability through the acquiescence of the many.