Myopic Thoughts/Overconfident

The mind becomes filled with Anxiety, but instead of producing an inherently negative Disoriented impact, or an inherently positive Exacting one, it delivers a layer on the fabric of reality that is a mania of overconfidence. The reality of any given situation is replaced with [generally] unwarranted optimism. Assessments of reality are unaffected, only the perceived outcome of the character’s attempt to achieve. It is a powerful form of altered perspective which can be self-imposed or an effect from some condition or power. Regardless, it alters the Behavior of its target.

The character will attempt actions with the greatest possible return on investment (game impact/damage production/style/etc.), regardless of chance of success or level of danger.

D20™ Myopic Thoughts Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

Disadvantage on all Sanity or Intelligence checks to assess the reasonableness of an action;

iCore Myopic Thoughts Mechanics