Rite of Reverence (Consecrated Grace)


The Rite is the triggering act for moving from the previous level, to a Reverent state of Grace. Many times this is done through some time in meditation, prayer, or a pilgrimage/quest unless where institutions direct the Principals efforts and will formally enact the rite.

COST/Requirements: 1 Essence (per Principal bonded to) Absent any Transgressions not Atoned for; Under Censure, or Forsworn on any Vows; Shared Litany (good standing) for the faith/Divine Principal

Form and Execution

[Example] The rite lasts for several minutes or more, there are ritualized chants, questions with standard responses for those seeking the path of the faith/Principal and an acknowledgement to abide by the basic tenets and causes of the faith expressed in it’s Shared Litany without direct clash with outside authorities. Some voice speaks with authority – be it intonations from a sacred scripture read by the petitioner, sponsor or a representative with personal or institutional authority.

[Term] Principal: The empowered deity/entity/patron or animus that the follower is bonded/dedicated to through the Rite of Dedicated Grace. This is regarded as the wellspring and incarnation of the Tenets and actively works toward them through the worship/veneration of followers.

When a follower first comes to the Principal in pursuit of their goals, they are bonded to the Principal beyond the superficial practical levels of personal alliance, and enter into a bond that requires the follower to help the Principal’s community, institutions, and other followers, and to promote its ideals actively. The rite signifies the pledge of the follower to follow the tenets of the Principal at least at the cost of their own comfort (though not necessarily jeopardizing their health and safety). Most are required to publicly wear a symbol or a garment sacred to the Principal as a sign of their dedication. A character can be bonded to multiple Principles as long as the Abiding Litany of them are not in conflict. Once dedicated, a character receives the following benefits:

  • They may possess unlimited divine Blessings from an the Principal they are bound to (normally limited to one). These would be granted by the institutions of, or Principal itself for services advancing the cause of the faith.
  • They can enjoy the follower’s benefits of Hallowed/Holy Ground for the Principal they are bound to.
  • The following require no Concentration is cast by a source that has Shared Litany: Guidance, Resistance, Bless, Detect Poison/Disease, Detect Good/Evil

Shared Litany

When two followers or entities share the same Abiding Litany.

Incarna d20™ Rite of Reverence Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

d20 [specific] Requirements: Occult Aptitude 1 OR 3 [Occult] Allotted Essence.

iCore Rite of Reverence Details/Mechanics

The there is no Rite of Zealotry, it counts as the highest State of Grace one can have in relation of a Divine Principal ; Though Agent may be greater in Divine Command (voice of authority), they are not necessarily all Zealots.