Rite of Land Bonding

Common Requirements: All Rites the Character performs or participates in must adhere/conform to the Tenets of the faith that it is directed at.


Example Rite

With earth from the circle you are seeking present, you sink yourself deep into a trance, naked and bared to the elements, holding handfuls of the earth you acquired. The memories of the insects, worms, stones, and dirt of eons of passage. Plants that have grown in it, rain that has fallen, animals that have trod upon it and left their spoor. Countless visions from a millennium of existence flood through you as the day turns to night. Your immediate environment falls away. Your smells, tastes, sight and hearing all reflect the land and terrain you seek to bond with. Like a pulse, you feel the progress of time. Your heart beats in sync with this pulse, and you open your eyes to a sunrise that, for a moment, is filled with whispers on the wind of soothing words and promises. The earth you held is gone. Your hands are permanently stained with the material where it was held though. In addition to all your own bodily scents, your hands smell faintly of the land you bonded with. You breath it in, and in doing so your mind is filled with mystical symbols, signs, sounds and capability that you take from it, promising to defend it, nurture it, and live in harmony with it.