Offerings (of a Faith)

A faith offering is a form of Mystic Offering that feeds the power of the Principal. What is acceptable is usually proscribed as part of the Abiding Litany and/or Shared Litany of their Principal and offered up as part of a Rite of Offering.

The character ritually destroys an enemy of their Principal, an object importantance to them, or a sacrifice of an object of great value or importance to the character personally. It is an act of elevating their Principle above themselves and enemies, in a manner prescribed by their Code of Conduct. This is typically done by enacting the Rite of Offering to offer an item in sacrifice. This demonstrates their reliance on and embrace of the power of their faith over simple material wealth/gain. The offering must be significant and represent opposing values of the principal. The offering is performed on hallowed or sacred ground and its physical form is destroyed during the process.

Common Divine Offerings

  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Personal Offerings

Institutional Offerings

Common Divine Offering Rewards

Rewards of an Offering are usually an addition to the Reservoir (temporary stores as part of the Synergy Pool) or one or more Character Weaves.