Ill-Educated (misapprehension)

There are cases where culturally, willfully, or otherwise, the normal knowledge of a subject that would normally be part of exposure in cultural education, formal education, or just common conversation is woefully wrong. It is not a simple case of just being ignorant, though ignorance often plays a part. It is based on speculation, rumor, myth, and biased assumptions from prejudice, stereotypes and clichés. It is possible for formal education to include materials leaving its recipients ill-educated.

Penalty to Checks: Checks are likely to suffer from Disadvantage or some degree of penalty. In such cases, the information will be noted with a penalty based on the level of misapprehension.

Misapprehension Levels

  • Minor:
  • Major:
  • Significant:

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i20 [specific] Requirements:

iCore iCore™ Details

iCore [specific] Requirements: